Notice is hereby given that the Sadsbury Township Board of Supervisors intend to consider and enact an ordinance establishing Supervisor Compensation at its regularly scheduled meeting on February 11, 2025, at 1:00 pm at the Sadsbury Township Municipal Building, 9888 State Hwy 285, Conneaut Lake, PA. The proposed ordinance titled, An Ordinance Establishing Compensation For Supervisors of Sadsbury Township, establishes that supervisors currently holding office will remain at the current compensation schedule of $1875 annually; each supervisor elected or appointed after the effective date of the Ordinance shall receive compensation in the amount of $3145 annually; compensation shall be paid in quarterly installments; the effective date will be 5 days after adoption. The proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the township office Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm or at Any questions, call the township office at 814-382-8579.