Zoning Ordinance:
Zoning Ordinance #204-2013 was adopted and effective January 1, 2014 with contains community development objectives and the necessary technical provisions to regulate land use, establish minimum lot sizes, area, setbacks and other standards. It also regulates the location, size, height and coverage of structures on property. The zoning map delineates the boundaries of the specific districts or zones created in the ordinance. To view the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, click on the following links:
Sadsbury Twp Zoning Ordinance #204-2013
Sadsbury Twp Zoning Map
Sadsbury Twp Zoning Map w/ Setbacks (page 2 of 4)
Sadsbury Twp Zoning Map w/ Setbacks (Page 3 of 4)
Sadsbury Twp Zoning Map w/ Setbacks (Page 4 of 4)
Zoning Ordinance Amendment #204A-2016 (permit Mining & Mineral Extraction in CC)
Zoning Ordinance Amendment #204B-2020 (amend Zoning Map)
Ordinance #204C-2022 Zoning Ordinance Amendments (adopted 7.12.22) amends Table 203A for STR, Oil & Gas Development, Solar Energy Systems; amend Table 203B for maximum lot coverages; amend Section 206 to set minimum sq. ft. for dwelling; delete Section 319 Oil & Gas Development; add new Section 319.1 Oil & Gas Development; add Section 319.2 natural gas compressor station or processing plant; add Section 341 principal solar energy systems; amend Article 7 definitions to add or revise various terms; add new Article 8 Planned Residential Development
Zoning Permits:
For your convenience we have most permits available for download from our web site on the “Applications & Forms” page, or you may pick up an application at the Municipal Building. Completed applications, along with support documentation, are to be submitted to the township office.
Zoning permits are required for all structures 100 sq ft or larger. They are also required for decks, fences, swimming pools, signs etc. Please contact the township office (814-382-8579) to determine the types of permits that may be required for your project. Some projects will require both Zoning and UCC (Uniform Construction Code) permits. Others may require only a Zoning Permit.
Permits are required for, but not limited to, the following:
Residential or Commercial construction
Additions or alterations to existing structures
Garages, attached or detached
Storage Sheds/Accessory Bldgs (100 sq. ft. or larger)
Decks, with or without a roof
Roof over patio
Roof – structural changes only; no permit required to replace shingles
Septic Tank Systems
Swimming Pool
Certain types of Burning
Peddling – Solicitation – Vendors
Road Encroachment and Driveway Permits for Township Roads
Occupancy Permits
Zoning Hearing Board:
In cases where a hardship exists which prevents building within the requirements of the zoning ordinance, an application can be filed for an appeal before the Zoning Hearing Board. The Zoning Hearing Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., as needed. Applications, with supporting documentation and application fee, must be filed with the township office by the 20th of the preceding month.
Zoning Hearing Board Members:
Vicki Leap – Chairman
Carol Kingzett – Secretary
Alan Heil
Sue Anderson – Alternate
Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance #211-2021:
Sadsbury Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance #211-2021 was adopted on 4/13/21 and effective as of 5/13/21. The purpose of the ordinance is to regulate subdivisions and land developments, to provide uniform standards for submission, approval and recording of plans, ensure protection of private property and to generally protect the health, safety and welfare of all residents.
Planning Commission:
The Township is responsible for review of all planning, land development and subdivision of property within its boundaries. Any person who wishes to develop or subdivide land within the Township must file plans with the Zoning Officer. These plans are reviewed by the Sadsbury Township Planning Commission, Crawford Co. Planning Commission and Sadsbury Twp. Board of Supervisors. Applications for review by the Planning Commission must be submitted to the township office two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings will be held only if there are items on the agenda.
Planning Commission Members:
Harry (Skip) Leonhard – Chairman
Erik Kulasa – Vice-Chairman
Jeff Hans
John Jay
Chad Waldschmidt
Ed Yates
Dio Yost
Brian Bair – alternate member
A newly launched direct-to-consumer website will be available to property owners to populate all information regarding their home or business and immediately receive a quote for flood insurance. You will then be able to purchase the policy if you choose without any obligation to do so. This is phase one of this tool. In either late 2025 or early 2026, the tool will be updated to allow anyone desiring to purchase a policy to add in any number of mitigation steps to see in real-time what those mitigation projects could provide them in the way of a policy premium reduction. This tool can be very valuable in educating property owners on the benefits of creating a more resilient home, business, and, ultimately, community and show how quickly you can recoup your investment.
Another significant change coming to the NFIP program is the ability to purchase flood insurance while paying a monthly premium versus the current annual premium approach. This may help those currently unable to pay a full year’s premium to afford flood insurance protection for their investment. Remember, following a flood event, flood insurance is the only way a structure’s owner can fully recover. This new availability will begin on 12/31/2024. Click here to start –> D2C Quote Tool